Ive done some initial research to try nail dow different Character ideas. Doing a mood board of each character concept has helped me see which directions i could take them stylistically.
Aggressive and brutish
antagonist based loosely on Celtic culture.
The celtic themed warrior has the seemingly simplest theme of all the concepts. This would be an interesting character to pursue because it would teach me allot about modelling human anatomy, and as it is the only one of the three that is Antagonist rather than protagonist it would give me potential to explore how to make the character intimidating and "enemy-like" rather than a player character.
Im also considering taking this idea and combining it in a way with the futuristic theme of the shaman as there is no specified time frame. A futuristic Celtic brute would be a very unique project.
Naturalistic and agile hero warrior based on the ancient Mayan Culture.
This would be a very fun project and the idea of modelling a bright colourful hero, with a large head dress and obsidian sword sounds very appealing but i feel like there is less room for original concepts within this brief. The above images show examples of ancient Mayan stone work, and my initial ideas revolve around incorporating designs like these into bright metal armour that would be worn by a light on his feet skirmisher.
Peaceful and progressive
shamanistic ‘elder’ figure based on ‘futuristic’ technology.
My initial thoughts on this were that it would be quite boring, but having researched it deeper i have become quite drawn to it. The idea of making a character similar to that of a servitor (bottom right) is one i have wanted to do for a while, and incorporating shamanistic aspects could make it a very unique character. My idea for this is a "Machine Shaman" perhaps a spiritual leader to a group of androids or cyborgs.
From this i have decided that i either want to make the Celtic antagonist, or the futuristic shaman, both could be very original concepts and i'm excited to some initial character concepts.